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The Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE) provides high-quality, curated data from the National Toxicology Program Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM) and its partners as well as other data resources and tools to support development of new approaches for assessing chemical safety. ICE was developed to address the needs frequently expressed by NICEATM stakeholders. The ICE Integrator allows users to easily query and integrate data streams that can then be explored interactively via table or graphic formats. The Integrator currently provides access to data for about 10,000 chemicals; endpoints include acute oral toxicity, skin and eye irritation, skin sensitization, and endocrine activity. ICE also includes predicted physicochemical property data for about 40,000 chemicals.

ICE was developed as a collaborative effort between NIEHSNICEATMILS and Sciome, LLC, with Sciome leading the design and implementation of the database and web-based user interface. For more information about other Sciome products and services please contact us at

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Publications and Presentations

  • Bell SM, Phillips J, Sedykh A, Tandon A, Sprankle C, Morefield SQ, Shapiro A, Allen D, Shah R, Maull EA, Casey WM, Kleinstreuer NC. (2017) “An Integrated Chemical Environment to support 21st century toxicology.” Environmental Health Perspectives. DOI 10.1289/EHP1759
  • S Bell, J Phillips, A Sedykh, C Sprankle, S Morefield, D Allen, W Casey, N Kleinstreuer (2017) “An Integrated Chemical Environment to Support 21st Century Toxicology.” SOT Annual Meeting 2017