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Ford, L.C., Lin, H-C., Zhou, Y-H, Wright, F.A., Gombar, V.K., Sedykh, A., Shah, R.R., Chiu, W.A. & Rusyn, I. (2024).Characterizing PFAS hazards and risks: a human population-based in vitro cardiotoxicity assessment strategy. Human Genomics 18:92.

Pannala, V.R., Balik-Meisner, M.R., Mav, D., Phadke, D.P., Scholl, E.H., Shah, R.R., Auerbach, S.S. & Wallqvist, A. (2024). Correction: Pannala et al. High-Throughput Transcriptomics Differentiates Toxic versus Non-Toxic Chemical Exposures Using a Rat Liver Model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, 17425.

Hari, A., AbdulHameed, M.D.M., Balik-Meisner, M., Mav, D., Phadke, D.P., Scholl, E.H., Shah, R., Casey, W.M., Auerbach, S., Wallqvist, A. & Pannala, V.R. (2024). Exposure to PFAS chemicals induces sex-dependent alterations in key rate-limiting steps of lipid metabolism in liver steatosis. Frontiers in Toxicology 6 – 2024.

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Cong, G., Patton, R.M., Chao, F., Svoboda, D.L., Casey, W.M., Schmitt, C.P., Murphy, C., Erickson, J.N., Combs, P. & Auerbach, S.S. (2024). Completion of the DrugMatrix Toxicogenomics Database using ToxComl. bioRxiv 2024.03.26.586669.

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Lloyd, D., House, J.S., Akhtari, F.S., Schmitt, C.P., Fargo, D.C., Scholl, E.H., Phillips, J., Choksi, S., Shah, R., Hall, J.E. & Motsinger-Reif, A. (2024). Interactive data sharing for multiple questionnaire-based exposome-wide association studies and exposome correlations in the Personalized Environment and Genes Study. Exposome, Feb 12;4(1):osae003. PMCID: PMC10899804

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Schmidt, L., Sinyor, M., Webb, R.T., Marshall, C., Knipe, D., Eyles, E.C., John, A., Gunnell, D. & Higgins, J.P.T. (2023). A narrative review of recent tools and innovations toward automating living systematic reviews and evidence syntheses. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen (ZEFQ), 181: 65-75

Foley, J.F., Elgart, B., Phadke. D., Mav, D., Tripodi, I., Clausen, N., Weick, M., Gladwell, W., Gerrish, K., Shah, R., Merrick, B.A. (2023). Whole exome and transcript profiling of liver following aflatoxin B1 exposure in rats. Journal of Applied Toxicology 2023; 1-13.

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Dunnick, J.K., Pandiri, A.R., Shockley, K.R., Herbert, R., Mav, D., Phadke, D., Shah, R.R. & Merrick, B.A. (2022). Single nucleotide polymorphism patterns associated with a cancer resistant phenotype. Experimental and Molecular Pathology, 104812 (Accepted, in press).

Blake, B., Miller, C.N., Nguyen, H., Phan, T.P., Phadke, D.P., Balik-Meisner, M.R., Mav, D., Shah, R.R. & Fenton, S.E. (2022). Transcriptional pathways linked to fetal and maternal hepatic dysfunction caused by gestational exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) or hexafluoropropylene oxide-dimer acid (HFPO-DA or GenX) in CD-1 mice. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (Accepted, in press).

Tandon, A., Howard, B., Ramaiahgari, S., Maharana, A., Ferguson, S., Shah, R. & Merrick, A. (2022). Deep learning image analysis of high-throughput toxicology assay images. SLAS Discovery, 27(1), 27-38. PMCID: PMC8955414

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Everett LJ; Mav D; Phadke DP; Balik-Meisner M; Shah R.R. (2022). Impact of Aligner, Normalization Method, and Sequencing Depth on TempO-seq Accuracy. Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 16:1-12.

Lam J; Elmore R; Howard B; Shah R. (2022). Low-calorie sweeteners and health outcomes: an evaluation of rapid versus traditional evidence mapping. BMC Research Notes 15:65.

Schmidt L; Olorisade B; McGuinness L; Thomas J. and Higgins, J. (2021). Data extraction methods for systematic review (semi)automation: A living systematic review. F1000Research 10, p.401.

Eyles E; Moran P; Okolie C; Dekel D; Macleod-Hall C; Webb R; Schmidt, L; Knipe D; Sinyor M; McGuinness L; Arensman E; Hawton K; O’Connor R; Kapur N; O’Neill S; Olorisade B; Cheng H; Higgins J; John A. and Gunnell D. (2021). Systematic review of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal behaviour amongst health and social care workers across the world. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports 6, p.100271.

John A; Eyles E; Webb R; Okolie C; Schmidt L; Arensman E; Hawton K; O’Connor R; Kapur N; Moran P; O’Neill S; McGuinness L; Olorisade B; Dekel D; Macleod-Hall C; Cheng H; Higgins J. and Gunnell D. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on self-harm and suicidal behaviour: update of living systematic review. F1000Research 9, p.1097.

Tandon A; Howard B; Ramaiahgari S; Maharana A; Ferguson S; Shah R; Merrick A. (2021). “Deep Learning Image Analysis of High-Throughput Toxicology Assay Images.” SLAS Discovery 27(1): 29-38.

Foley JF; Elgart B; Merrick BA; Phadke DP; Cook ME; Malphurs JA; Solomon GG; Shah RR; Fessler MB; Miller FW; Gerrish KE. (2021). “Whole genome sequencing of low input circulating cell-free DNA obtained from normal human subjects.” Physiological Reports 9:e14993.

Sedykh AY; Shah RR; Kleinstreuer NC; Auerbach SS; Gombar VK (2021). “Saagar-A New, Extensible Set of Molecular Substructures for QSAR/QSPR and Read-Across Predictions.” Chemical Research in Toxicology 34(2):634-640

Elmore R; Schmidt L; Lam J; Howard BE; Tandon A; Norman C; Phillips J; Shah M; Patel S; Albert T; Taxman DJ;Shah RR; (2020). “Risk and Protective Factors in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Rapid Evidence Map.” Frontiers in Public Health 8 (787).

Mav D; Phadke DP; Balik-Meisner MR; Merrick BA; Auerbach S; Niemeijer M; Huppelschoten S; Baze A; Parmentier C; Richert L; van de Water B; Shah RR; Paules RS (2020). “Utility of Extrapolating Human S1500+ Genes to the Whole Transcriptome: Tunicamycin Case Study.” Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 14: 1-14.

Gwinn WM; Auerbach SS; Parham F; Stout MD; Waidyanatha S; Mutlu E; Collins B; Paules RS; Merrick BA; Ferguson S; Ramaiahgari S; Bucher JR; Sparrow B; Toy H; Gorospe J; Machesky N; Shah RR; Balik-Meisner MR; Mav D; Phadke DP; Roberts G; DeVito MJ (2020). “Evaluation of 5-day in vivo rat liver and kidney with high-throughput transcriptomics for estimating benchmark doses of apical outcomes.” Toxicological Sciences; kfaa081

Ma J; Bair E; Motsinger-Reif A. (2020). “Nonlinear Dose-Response Modeling of High-Throughput Screening Data Using an Evolutionary Algorithm.” Dose-Response April-June 2020: 1-10.

Bell S; Abedini J; Ceger P; Chang X; Cook B; Karmaus AL; Lea I; Mansouri K; Phillips J; McAfee E; Rai R; Rooney J; Sprankle C; Tandon A; Allen D; Casey W; Kleinstreuer N. (2020). “An integrated chemical environment with tools for chemical safety testing.” Toxicology in Vitro 67, 104916.

Yan X; Sedykh A; Wang W; Yan B; Zhu H (2020). “Construction of a web-based nanomaterial database by big data curation and modeling friendly nanostructure annotations.” Nature Communications 11; 2519

Merrick BA; Phadke DP; Bostrom MA; Shah RR; Wright GM; Wang X; Gordon O; Pelch KE; Auerbach SS; Paules RS; DeVito MJ; Waalkes MP; Tokar EJ (2020). “KRAS-retroviral fusion transcripts and gene amplification in arsenic-transformed, human prostate CAsE-PE cancer cells.” Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology; 397;115017

Howard BE; Phillips J; Tandon A; Maharana A; Elmore R; Mav D; Sedykh A; Thayer K; Merrick BA; Walker V; Rooney A; Shah RR (2020). “SWIFT-Active Screener: accelerated document screening through active learning and integrated recall estimation.” Environment International; 138;105623

Liu G; Yan X; Sedykh A; Pan X; Zhao X; Yan B; Zhu H (2020). “Analysis of model PM2. 5-induced inflammation and cytotoxicity by the combination of a virtual carbon nanoparticle library and computational modeling.” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety; 15;191:110216

Phillips J.R.,  Svoboda D.L., Tandon A., Patel S., Sedykh A., Mav D., Kuo B., Yauk C.L., Longlonog Y., Thomas R.S., Gift J.S., Davis J.A., Olszyk L., Merrick B.A., Paules R.S., Parham F., Saddler T., Shah R.R., and Auerbach S.S. (2019) BMDExpress 2: enhanced transriptomic dose-response analysis workflow.  Bioinformatics 35(10): 1780-1782.

Kovi RC; Bhusari S; Mav D; Shah RR; Ton TV; Hoenerhoff MJ; Sills RC; Pandiri AR (2019). “Genome-wide promoter DNA methylation profiling of hepatocellular carcinomas arising either spontaneously or due to chronic exposure to Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) in B6C3F1/N mice.” Archives of Toxicology; 93(8):2219-2235

Yan X; Sedykh A; Wang W; Yan B; Zhu H (2019). “Novel nanodescriptors applied in QNAR: Combination of virtual nanomaterial library and geometrical structure of nanomaterial.” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society; 257

Witt KL; Hsieh JH; Smith-Roe SL; Xia M; Sedykh A; Huang R; Auerbach S; Tice RR (2019). “Assessment of Genotoxicity Potential Using High Throughput Screening Approaches: The Tox21 Experience.” Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis; 60:37-38

Merrick BA, Phadke DP, Bostrom MA, Shah RR, Wright GM, Wang X, Gordon O, Pelch KE, Auerbach SS, Paules RS, DeVito MJ, Waalkes MP, Tokar EJ (2019). “Arsenite malignantly transforms human prostate epithelial cells in vitro by gene amplification of mutated KRAS.” PLoS One; 14(4), e0215504

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Balik-Meisner MR, Mav D, Phadke DP, Everett L, Shah RR, Tal T, Shepard PJ, Merrick BA, Paules RS (2019). “Development of a Zebrafish S1500+ Sentinel Gene Set for High-Throughput Transcriptomics.” Zebrafish

Ramaiahgari SC, Auerbach SS, Saddler TO, Rice JR, Dunlap PE, Sipes NS, DeVito MJ, Shah RR, Bushel PR, Merrick BA, Paules RS, Ferguson SS. (2019). “The Power of Resolution: Contextualized Understanding of Biological Responses to Liver Injury Chemicals using High-throughput Transcriptomics and Benchmark Concentration Modeling.” Toxicological Sciences

Hubbard TD, Hsieh JH, Rider CV, Sipes NS, Sedykh A, Collins BJ, Auerbach SS, Xia M, Huang R, Walker NJ, DeVito MJ (2019). “Using Tox21 High-Throughput Screening Assays for the Evaluation of Botanical and Dietary Supplements.” Applied in vitro toxicology; 5(1)

Yan X, Sedykh A, Wang W, Zhao X, Yan B, Zhu H (2019). “In silico profiling nanoparticles: predictive nanomodeling using universal nanodescriptors and various machine learning approaches.” Nanoscale; 11(17): 8352-8362

Hsieh JH, Smith-Roe S, Huang R, Sedykh A, Shockley K, Auerbach SS, Merrick BA, Xia M, Tice RR, Witt K (2019). “Identifying Compounds with Genotoxicity Potential Using Tox21 High Throughput Screening Assays.” Chemical Research in Toxicology

Wang W, Yan X, Zhao L, Russo DP, Wang S, Liu Y, Sedykh A, Zhao X, Yan B, Zhu H (2019). “Universal nanohydrophobicity predictions using virtual nanoparticle library.” Journal of cheminformatics; 11(1):6

Glynn C, Tokdar ST, Howard B, Banks DL (2019). “Bayesian analysis of dynamic linear topic models.” Bayesian Analysis; 14(1):53-80

Svoboda DL, Saddler T, Auerbach SS (2019). “An Overview of National Toxicology Program’s Toxicogenomic Applications: DrugMatrix and ToxFX.” Advances in Computational Toxicology, 141-157

Pelch K, Wignall JA, Goldstone AE, Ross PK, Blain RB, Shapiro AJ, Holmgren SD, Hsieh JH, Svoboda D, Auerbach SS, Parham FM, Masten SA, Walker V, Rooney A, Thayer KA (2019). “A Scoping Review of the Health and Toxicological Activity of Bisphenol A (BPA) Structural Analogues and Functional Alternatives.” Toxicology

Truong L, Zaikova T, Baldock BL, Balik-Meisner M, To K, Reif DM; Kennedy ZC, Hutchison JE, Tanguay RL (2019). “Systematic determination of the relationship between nanoparticle core diameter and toxicity for a series of structurally analogous gold nanoparticles in zebrafish.” Nanotoxicology

Foley JF, Phadke DP, Hardy O, Hardy S, Miller V, Madan A, Howard K, Kruse K, Lord C, Ramaiahgari S, Solomon GG, Shah RR, Pandiri AR, Herbert RA, Sills RC, Merrick BA (2018). “Whole exome sequencing in the rat.” BMC genomics; 19(1), 487

Auerbach SS, Xu M, Merrick BA, Hoenerhoff MJ, Phadke D, Taxman DJ, Shah R, Hong HL, Ton T, Kovi RC, Sills RC, Pandiri AR (2018). “Exome Sequencing of Fresh-frozen or Formalin-fixed Paraffin-embedded B6C3F1/N Mouse Hepatocellular Carcinomas Arising Either Spontaneously or due to Chronic Chemical Exposure.” Toxicology pathology; doi:/10.1177/0192623318789398

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Wignall JA, Muratov E, Sedykh A, Guyton KZ, Tropsha A, Rusyn I, Chiu WA (2018). “Conditional Toxicity Value (CTV) Predictor: An In Silico Approach for Generating Quantitative Risk Estimates for Chemicals”. Environmental health perspectives; 126(5):057008-057008

Mav D, Shah RR, Howard BE, Auerbach SS, Bushel PR, Collins JB, Gerhold DL, Judson RS, Karmaus AL, Maull EA, Mendrick DL, Merrick BA, Sipes NS, Svoboda D, Paules RS (2018).  “A hybrid gene selection approach to create the S1500+ targeted gene sets for use in high-throughput transcriptomics.” PLoS One; 13-2, e0191105

Cocce KJ, Jasper JS, Everett LJ, Wardell SE, Westerling T, Krebs T, Baldi R, Wright TM, Yllanes A, Blitzer JT, Logsdon D, Rakiec D, Ruddy D, Hyslop T, Jiang L, Hall A, Marks JR, Crawford GE, Brown M, McDonell DP, Norris JD (2018). “GRHL2: key lineage determining factor collaborates with FOXA1 to establish targetable collateral pathway in endocrine therapy-resistant breast cancer”. Molecular Biology and Evolution; Volume 35, Issue 1, Pages 50–65

Li R, Grimm SA, Mav D, Gu H, Djukovic D, Shah R, Merrick BA, Raftery D, Wade PA (2018). “Transcriptome and DNA Methylome Analysis in a Mouse Model of Diet-Induced Obesity Predicts Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer”. Cell Rep, 2018 Jan 16;22(3):624-637. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.12.071

Merrick BA, Chang JS, Phadke DP, Bostrom MA, Shah RR, Wang X, Gordon O, Wright GM (2018). “HAfTs are novel lncRNA transcripts from aflatoxin exposure”. PLoS One, 2018 Jan 19;13(1): e0190992. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190992

Balik-Meisner M, Truong L, Scholl EH, Tanguay RL, Reif DM (2018). “Population genetic diversity in zebrafish lines.” Mammalian Genome; 24 Jan 2018; doi: 10.1007/s00335-018-9735-x

Hardy CM, Burke MK, Everett LJ, Han MV, Lantz KM, Gibbs AG (2018). “Genome-wide analysis of starvation-selected Drosophila melanogaster—A genetic model of obesity”. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2018, 35(1):50-65

Pelch KE; Wignall JA; Goldstone AE; Ross PK; Blain RB; Shapiro AJ; Holmgren SD; Hsieh JH; Svoboda D; Auerbach SS; Parham FM; Masten SA; Thayer KA (2017). “NTP Research Report on Biological Activity of Bisphenol A (BPA) Structural Analogues and Functional Alternatives: Research Report 4.” National Toxicology Program, Research Triangle Park (NC)

Reif DM, Balik-Meisner M, Truong L, Scholl EH, Du JK La, Tanguay RL (2017). “Gene-Environment Interactions Associated with Differential Susceptibility to Chemical Exposure.” Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis; Vol. 58, pp. S32-S32

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Shimbo T, Dunnick JK, Brix A, Mav D, Shah R, Roberts JD, Wade PA (2017). “DNA Methylation Changes in Tbx3 in a Mouse Model Exposed to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers”. Int J Toxicol, 2017 May/Jun;36(3):229-238. doi: 10.1177/1091581817706676.

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Sipes NS, Wambaugh JF, Pearce R, Auerbach SS, Wetmore BA, Hsieh JH, Shapiro AJ, Svoboda D, DeVito MJ, Ferguson SS (2017). “An Intuitive Approach for Predicting Potential Human Health Risk with the Tox21 10k Library”. Environ Sci Technol. 2017 Sep 19;51(18):10786-10796. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b00650

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Ferguson SS, Ramaiahgari SC, Saddler T, Rice J, Dunlap P, Sipes N, Shah R, Merrick A, Bushel P, DeVito MJ, Paules RS (2017). “Development of organotypic culture systems to link pathway perturbations with phenotypic responses.” Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis; Vol. 58, pp. S26-S26

Hsieh J-H, Huang R, Lin J-A, Sedykh A, Zhao J, Tice RR, Paules R S, Xia M, Auerbach SS (2017). “Real-time cell toxicity profiling of Tox21 10K compounds reveals cytotoxicity dependent toxicity pathway linkage”. PloS one; 12(7): e0181291.  doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0181291

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Howard BE, Phillips J, Miller K, Tandon A, Mav D, Shah MR, Holmgren S, Pelch KE, Rooney AA, Macleod M, Shah RR, Thayer K (2016). “SWIFT-Review: A Text-mining Workbench for Systematic Review.” Syst Rev. 2016 May 23;5(1):87. doi: 10.1186/s13643-016-0263-z.

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Miller K, Howard BE, Phillips J, Shah M, Mav D, Shah R (2016). “SWIFT-Active Screener: Reducing Literature Screening Effort Through Machine Learning for Systematic Reviews.” Society of Toxicology Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 13—17, 2016.

Howard BE, Miller K, Phillips J, Thayer K, Shah R (2016). “Evaluation of the Literature Prioritization Capabilities of SWIFT-Review, a Tool for Conducting Systematic Reviews of Environmental Health Questions.” Society of Toxicology Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 13—17, 2016.

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