What is the Project Reports icon?
The fourth icon (graph) is the “Project Reports” menu option. This takes you to a page that lists the reports that are available (i.e., Conflict Report, Question/Answer Report, Screening Time…
The fourth icon (graph) is the “Project Reports” menu option. This takes you to a page that lists the reports that are available (i.e., Conflict Report, Question/Answer Report, Screening Time…
We added the ability to clone a project in the event that a user wants to quickly recreate or clone an existing project. This functionality allows you to copy References,…
Utilizing seeds and/or moving references to the top for screening can be used to help build the prioritization model more quickly. The main difference is that seeds will not be…
Users can also use the “Move to Top” function to select a set of references to be moved to the top of list of references to be screened (versus selecting…
In addition to specifying references as a seed set, there is also the option to move specific references to the top of the list to be screened. This can be…
In most systematic reviews, positive (included) articles are significantly outnumbered by negative articles. Therefore, we don’t currently have an explicit mechanism for uploading negative examples, as many such examples are…
You can add inclusion/exclusion keywords with wildcards by checking the box that states: "Please select if all the above keywords contain wildcard" and entering the keywords with wild cards in…
You can add inclusion/exclusion keywords in bulk by copying and pasting them into the keyword fields and selecting "Save."
SWIFT-Active Screener can use a training seed to help the software to build the prioritization model more quickly. However, providing a seed is optional and the seed can only be…
The number of inclusion and exclusion keywords that you use may vary depending on the project, but there is no maximum number of inclusion or exclusion keywords. Keywords are used…
The keywords and additional questions are used to guide screeners as they are reviewing articles; they do not affect Active Screener’s machine learning capability. Only the content of the articles…
The initial Inclusion/Exclusion question (with a “Yes” or “No” response) is required. Additional questions may be set up as: Radio Button (only one answer is allowed);Check Boxes (more than one…