How do I generate and export a PRISMA Report?
To generate a PRISMA Report, go to the "Reports" section and select "PRISMA Report" from the dropdown list. You will see information from Level 1 and Level 2 (if applicable)…
To generate a PRISMA Report, go to the "Reports" section and select "PRISMA Report" from the dropdown list. You will see information from Level 1 and Level 2 (if applicable)…
The fourth icon (graph) is the “Project Reports” menu option. This takes you to a page that lists the reports that are available (i.e., Conflict Report, Question/Answer Report, Screening Time…
We added the ability to clone a project in the event that a user wants to quickly recreate or clone an existing project. This functionality allows you to copy References,…
If there are a lot of conflicts built up and then they are resolved at one time, and these include several conflicts that are ultimately resolved as "excluded," this could…
We do recommend that conflicts be resolved fairly quickly and that conflicts be kept to a low number if possible, since resolving conflicts quickly helps improve the model as it…
It is not required, but it can be helpful to have screeners working at similar times because in some cases (if you are dual screening, meaning each reference must be…
The Interrater Reliability Score Report shows the interrater reliability for all questions at the selected screening level. The report shows two separate interrater reliability scores: 1) the Fleiss' Kappa Score,…
The "PRISMA Report" is a flow diagram depicting the flow of information through the various phases of a systematic review. The report shows the number of records identified (including duplicates)…
The Ranked References Report shows the references in order of likelihood of being "included" predicted by the machine learning model (assuming you have selected predicted relevance for your reference presentation…
The Screening Summary report shows a breakdown of individual screeners' "Included," "Excluded," "Conflicted," and "Not Screened" references by project level. You can export these data as a .csv file.
The Screening Time Report allows you to see users' average and total screening times by project level. The software calculates the amount of the time taken between each consecutive screened…
The Question/Answer report allows you to review and/or export answers to the "include/exclude" (required) question as well as any other screening questions you have set up for your project at…