Dr. Ruchir Shah, Dr. Vijay Gombar, Mr. Austin Ross, and Mr. Eric McAfee of Sciome will give a seminar as part of the Big Data in Environmental Science and Toxicology virtual learning series being conducted by the Texas A&M University Superfund Research Center. The seminar titled, “Experiments are too hard: How to use online resources for predictive toxicology” will elaborate on the use of online resources Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE) and OPERA. The Sciome team will also introduce OrbiTox, an interactive translational discovery platform that affords concerted 3D view of connectivity among data from different domains (~800,000 substances with structure, thousands of compounds with Tox21 qHTS, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity data, ~25,000 fully annotated human genes, ~ 2000 pathways with functional annotation, and ~200 test organisms) and provides access to toxicity prediction models that provide chemistry-backed reasoning. Focus will be on hands-on use of these tools while explaining the necessary underlying background and science.